Stardate:2405.11.25 (USS Boudicca - Astrophysics - Crewman Dr. Cassidy Yaasmin - 0645) "So doctor," he began, "what can I do for you? This isn't exactly my area of expertise, but I'm happy to help out." She pushed away on her seat and gestured to her screen, letting him look at the base findings. The ACSO looked at it and frowned, "Interesting. It's definitely been exposed to a nebula, and recently, but what do these other readings indicate? A planet, perhaps? Or a space station? The former could very well be, although something about this data seems a bit off to me. As for a station... that would mean that there's some sort of base relatively nearby that we're unaware of, wouldn't it?" The ACSO scratched his chin; "Unless I'm missing something altogether," he mused. "I wonder... just for grins, doctor, is there any way you can cross-reference this EM signature against those we might expect to see from a starbase?" He grinned. "Unless, of course, you have a better theory. Again, this isn't my strongest suite. If I need to be asking a different set of questions, tell me so." She looked at it and began running a cross-reference of the EM footprint against known Federation Technology, "It's too high for something we have ever built. Or anything we've ever recorded from other races. Levels of EM radiation of the magnitude needed to create these kinds of footprints would be dangerous to humanoids. The only time I've seen EM traces like this that were natural were on plants with an unnaturally high iron-nickel core, where the EM belts were extraordinarily powerful and there was a strong ozone to protect any life on the planet. For this to have come from a Starbase it would have had to be subjected to those levels on purpose... and I can't think of a good reason for doing that." Yaasmin chewed on her lip, "Geosciences are not my strong-point though, and I only have a passing knowledge of Starbase Engineering..." she paused as the computer beeped. "Nope, if it came from a Starbase, it wasn't by any of the passive engineering systems. The only thing that comes close is a EM Sensor overload, and the probe would have had to be within meters of the sensor platform." She looked over, "So, how's your geophysics? This is a short-range probe. If this thing was launched or passed by a planet with a strong radiation belt, we might be able to nail down an exact location... or at least further refine the projected course." (reply: ACSO, any) (posted by Trout) Stardate:2406.11.24 (???? - Cell - Capt Sevant - 2210) Sevant took a breath as he lay back on his cot, eyes closed. The only other sound that could be heard was the gentle thrum of the force-field that was keeping him within the cell. Shadows lay softly over the room, the lights were out and only the blue glow of that same force-field gave him any illumination to see by. As was their schedule, no one had passed by his cell since lights-out at 2100 hours. It had been a little over an hour; Sevant was quietly counting seconds and minutes to get a good internal rhythm going. It was an old technique, and he would continue to count all night. By the time he was done he would have a very good idea of the time and how much subjective time passed from then on, simply by training the mind to continue counting when he was no longer consciously doing so. Of course, to fully train the mind, it usually took months or years. After the trial today, Sevant doubted he had more then a week or two. He opened his eyes and swung around, and looked around him. The cell was simplistic, just like any other Starfleet-style holding cell. It was functional and nothing more. Sevant could appreciate functionality; he had been a security officer for most of his Starfleet Career. Functionality, in this case, served to keep his mind clear. His original cell had been far more comfortable, the idea being to lull him into cooperation. It hadn't worked. As if they were going through the prisoners handbook step-by-step, the next thing they were trying were keeping him isolated from everyone in a functional cage, but for the trial itself. That didn't bother Sevant in the least bit; his keepers would figure that out soon enough. He was partially Vulcan, raised with their mind techniques. But more then that, the earlier constant exposure to his captors had only irritated him and steeled his resolve. Now, the solitude allowed him the peace to puzzle out what he was going to do. Sevant took a deep breath and folded his hands together, then closed his eyes again and exhaled slowly... (Dreamscape - Wherever - Capt Sevant - time has no meaning) And found himself dressed in a very light robe, undone, the tail flapping in the wind from the stiff breeze coming off the ocean. He placed his arms behind him and closed his eyes, letting the phantom wind blow over his face. He had been here many times in the last months, but never again had he found that last fragment of his wife as he had before. She had said she would be there when he needed her... but he was starting to think that an empty promise... if a promise it could be called. He wasn't looking for her this time; however, he simply wanted an escape from the harsh reality that lay behind him. "And that is why you can find me." a voice said from behind him, the tone playful. Sevant's phantom body jerked in reaction, and then relaxed slowly. He turned slowly to look at Vicki, his deceased wife. The last figment of her that existed, what was trapped in him from the bond they had shared before she had been murdered. She was just as beautiful as he remembered... although it was his memory that he was reliving, so that wasn't a surprise. Her red hair was cut short to her shoulders, like it had been just before... "If I didn't know better, I would say I was hiding you from myself." he finally said. "Psychologically, I'm not sure what I think of that. It suggests disturbing things about my own mental state." The woman snorted, and then stood. "Not quite, apply your logic to that if you would." Sevant quirked his head to the side and looked at her. "Ah, you're an imprint of Victoria's mind on my own... therefore I don't have direct control over you. Is that the rational?" "Something like that," she agreed as she walked up to him. "Of course, I might be you after all, so in essence you would be lying to yourself in order to make yourself sound justified." She smiled as she wrapped her arms around him, "In which case, you'd just be nuts." Sevant didn't return the mental embrace, just looked at her, drinking in the look of her. She chuckled after a few moments, and then put her face on his chest. "Things don't look good for you, Callie." He wrapped his imaginary arms around her and lightly placed his cheek on her head, as he had so many times before in life. "No, they do not." That, if anything, was an understatement. They remained silent for many long minutes, letting the imaginary wind and salt air blow over them. Finally, reluctantly, he said. "If there really is an after-life, it looks like I will be joining you soon. This whole affair is only for appearances, my sentence has already been decided." It might have been his imagination, but he felt her shudder in his arms. Finally, she said "If it must be, it must be." She looked up, "But you better not give up, Mr. Sevant, or Ill make sure you're balls shrivel up before the end comes." Her gaze was fierce, as it always had been when she had a point to make. He nodded briefly, but his tone was grave. "I do not give up on anything easily." She shrugged and held him close again, "It might be a drumhead trial, but even so, you're Captain Sevant of the Boudicca. You have always acted honorably, and you're the man I fell in love with. Should you be killed, you will do so holding onto your principles. But, if you live..." She looked up with a smile. "Time to become aware again, Callie..." she said, her voice fading. "You are being called. Look for me here again, love, I will be here...." (???? - Cell - Capt Sevant - 0500) "Come on, half-breed, time to wake up." Sevant's eyes snapped open, and he reached out to grab the wrist of the guard about to slap him. They never learned. He squeezed hard enough to feel the bones in the man's hand grind together, a couple of them popped and the man started screaming. Sevant was, after all, part Vulcan- his strength was great. He jumped up and got his hands around the man's throat as he was screaming. A gurgle emerged, half-choked and pathetic. "You do not learn," Sevant said harshly as another couple guards came in with batons ready. "The first one of you to touch me will be the first who dies!" The guards paused, the rear-most pulled out a phaser and stepped into position with clear line-of-sight. "Yes, stun me." Sevant sneered as he pulled the guard close to him for protection. He squeezed the guards neck tightly, cutting off all breath, and whispered into the man's ear, "There will be no mercy after this. The next one of you that tries to touch me dies within moments." He pushed the guard forward into the mass of guards and folded his arms together, almost daring the guards to shoot him. Finally, the one with the phaser said, "Get up, its time for a debriefing before the trial today." "Oh, indeed." Sevant said without enthusiasm. "How wonderful." ~That explains why they didn't stun me, anyway, one has to be conscious to be tortured.~ (reply: none) (posted by Trout) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca, Bridge, ENS David Lynch, 0220) Lynch was listening intently to the Bridge crew. He didn’t want to be seen wanting at a critical time. He was brought up by the MCO as she started to give orders. "Lay in an elliptical course taking us around and behind the Nimitz. Be sure to present the lowest profile as possible to them while maintaining the highest profile on them." She directed at David. He set about making the adjustments to their navigational status and programmed anew emergency retreat. He had started sweating, it wasn’t everyday you were in a hostile situation with a fellow Starfleet vessel. He hunkered down to his job and left the political and military decisions to those in command. The ship moved, slowly and purposefully to its destination and David could see on his monitor that the Nimitz was getting nearer, and was also taking defensive action. Just when he thought things were hotting up he heard: =/\=West to Bridge, Stand down from Red Alert and go to Yellow Alert.=/\= "Look like combat has been averted, Stand down from Red Alert. Yellow Alert." The MCO declared. He immediately sighed, silently, and reprogrammed the helm to a normal heading. He kept his emergency heading programmed in, just in case. (Reply none/any) (posted by John) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca - Security Office - TAC/ASC Lt. Aleksander Stolev - 0325) "Stolev to Nimitz. We're having a meeting aboard the Boudicca to plan for an eventual rescue mission. Please have a representative from your security and/or marine squads join us at 0330 in our Security conference room if possible." =^= We'll have someone there as soon as possible, Lt. =^= replied Sash. =^= It'll be Lt. Tagon. Expect him soon. Nimitz out. =^= Stolev made a few other calls before assembling meeting notes on a PADD, then headed out to the Security conference room to wait for everyone to arrive. (USS Boudicca - Security Center - TAC/ASC Lt. Stolev - 0329) Stolev looked up as Stratton and Drizzt walked into the conference room wearing their full body armor. Stolev suddenly felt rather naked wearing just his standard uniform. Stratton approached him. "Lt," she said. "Major," Stolev said. "Thank you both for coming. Someone from the Nimitz should be joining us shortly." Drizzt nodded briefly. "Very well," he said quietly. All three looked towards the doorway as the footsteps of someone quite massive reverberated down the corridor. ~I thought he said someone named Tagon would be coming,~ thought Stolev. ~That sounds more like Zzt.~ The doors parted to reveal an incredibly massive being. He looked to Stolev not unlike a giant walking boulder. Stolev wondered if he'd be able to make it through the doorway, but apparantly he is used to negotiating environments having standard Starfleet dimensions, for he entered the room without difficulty. Tagon looked briefly around the table, then pulled two chairs together and sat down. he chairs both groaned with the strain. He looked across the table at the others. "Sorry I'm late." "No problem," replied Stolev. "I appreciate you coming on such short notice." He glanced at the chronometer. "Well, let's get started. I realize that we know nothing about what conditions Captain Sevant may be held under, or what sort of facility we might have to enter in order to extract him. So this meeting will focus more on the general concepts of such a mission and the interrelations of our various departments, so that when we do locate the Captain, all that will need to be done is to work out the specifics releative to the exact situation we find him in. This all of course is based on the presumption that the Captain was abducted from his vessel and is now being held captive in an unknown location. Preliminary forensic evidence indicates that this is a likely scenario." (reply any, at any point here or below) "So first off, there are basically two possibilites," continued Stolev. One, he is held captive either on a planet or in a large orbital facility. Two, he is on a ship. Let us address both possibilities in turn. "If he is on a planet, I suggest a two-pronged approach. We would have one force, comprised mostly if not entirely of security officers, that would form a perimiter around the location where the Captain is being held. The second force would be comprised mostly of marines and would actually enter the facility -- and I use the term loosely to apply to any location where one might be confined against his will -- and retrieve the Captain. The perimiter force would provide support and would capture any fleeing captors, especially if they try to flee with the Captain in their custody. "If he is on a ship, there would be a similar approach. Security forces would secure key strategic points aboard ship, such as engineering, weapons control, transporter control, hangar bays, and the bridge. Meanwhile, the marines would penetrate the area where the Captain is held and get him to a location where he can be safely transported off the ship, either by transporter or by runabout." Stolev looked around the room. "Any thoughts or suggestions regarding these concepts?" (reply Stratton, Drizzt, Tagon, any) (posted by Aaron Scifres) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca - Security Office - Major 'Spider' Drizzt - 0330) ~I would -not- want to fight that without a bag of explosives and some heavy artillery~ the Andorian thought wryly as the Nimitz representative sat down and said, "Sorry I'm late." "No problem," replied Stolev. "I appreciate you coming on such short notice." He glanced at the chronometer. "Well, let's get started. I realize that we know nothing about what conditions Captain Sevant may be held under, or what sort of facility we might have to enter in order to extract him. So this meeting will focus more on the general concepts of such a mission and the interrelations of our various departments, so that when we do locate the Captain, all that will need to be done is to work out the specifics relative to the exact situation we find him in. This all of course is based on the presumption that the Captain was abducted from his vessel and is now being held captive in an unknown location. Preliminary forensic evidence indicates that this is a likely scenario." Spider absently pushed the earpiece, his link to the Marines, into his ear and twitched his antenna. He was receiving conflicting readings from the... rock. The only thing he could tell for sure was that the thing was warm blooded, he was seeing temperature variations. He mused on that as Stolev continued. "So first off, there are basically two possibilities, One, he is held captive either on a planet or in a large orbital facility. Two, he is on a ship. Let us address both possibilities in turn. "If he is on a planet, I suggest a two-pronged approach. We would have one force, comprised mostly if not entirely of security officers, that would form a perimeter around the location where the Captain is being held. The second force would be comprised mostly of marines and would actually enter the facility -- and I use the term loosely to apply to any location where one might be confined against his will -- and retrieve the Captain. The perimeter force would provide support and would capture any fleeing captors, especially if they try to flee with the Captain in their custody. "If he is on a ship, there would be a similar approach. Security forces would secure key strategic points aboard ship, such as engineering, weapons control, transporter control, hangar bays, and the bridge. Meanwhile, the marines would penetrate the area where the Captain is held and get him to a location where he can be safely transported off the ship, either by transporter or by runabout." Stolev looked around the room. "Any thoughts or suggestions regarding these concepts?" Spider looked at the MCO, then back at the Chief. "The planet landing is full, I would suggest two things however. One," he held out a gloved finger. "On a planet-bound mission, that the CE units stay with Security for heavy support and..." He paused for a moment, "Sniper action, if needed. If that place is infested and they have orders to kill us on sight, sharpshooters would come most in handy." He held up a second finger, "At least two Marines at each of the essential areas, and a full team in engineering... again, preferably the CE's. If it's a ship, then we will be the invaders and our forces will take some serious beatings." Spider hadn't said a word about the cost. If they had Sevant, then they had one of the CO's of the 'rebel' fleet and the cost would be unbearable if he weren't recovered... or silenced. Both in terms of strategic knowledge, and as a media coup for the enemy. A few handfuls of soldiers from two ships were a small price to pay. (reply: any) (posted by Trout) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca - Security Office - Major Drizzt - 0335) "Are you certain that's the way you want to go?" Tagon asked. "I believe that is a great back up plan, however, I also think a smaller, and better prepared team could be in and out of either situation, with a great deal less blood shed." "And the possibility of being utterly slaughtered." The MXO said as he sat back in his chair. "However, a small team would have a greater chance of getting in without being seen. At least, for a planet breakout. A handful of Marines, a handful of Security, I like that." He considered for a few moments, "For a ship-borne attack, it doesn't matter. We will want to hold the strong-spots, at least to force ship-borne security to split up." (reply: any) (posted by Trout) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca, Cargo Bay 1, TAC/SC Skylynx, 0403)    Eva then turned and walked out of the Cargo bay with Casely's sleeping form in one hand   ~It's crude, it's rude, but hey, it works,~ Ryko thought, as he made to follow Straton out of the cargobay, even though he'd arrived just before she'd shot poor Casely in the first place. Granted he was asleep, but Ryko still felt a more humane option was available.   ~There was a better way, I know it,~ Ryko thought as he made to leave the cargobay. Dr. Farley poked her nose around the door inquisitively.   "Excuse me, but why is there a marine walking along the corridor carrying an officer?"   "Do yourself a favour, don't ask," Ryko said, simply smiling, and strolling along, quickly catching up with Straton.   "You look taller in BDU," Ryko said, merely conversationally. It was true. In battle-dress Eva was actually taller than him. Which was saying something, considering he was around 7 feet tall.   (Reply Straton, Farley IYW) (Posted by Adam)  Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - Lt Cmdr Trevan West- 0421) =^=Captain sir. I do not believe this probe is hostile. I have some theories on where it may have come from but I will refrain from guessing until we have some more concrete evidence. Every hour that passes is one less Sevant has. I have however ruled out a cloaked ship in the vicinity however there are two Nebulas near by that could be hiding something in it, but I am not going to go charging into them blindly. I want to keep my ship and yours in one piece.=^= "Indeed," Sash nodded.  "That would have the earmark of a trap.  However, I wouldn't rule out a ship just yet Lt. Commander.  My team may have found other evidence.  However, I agree.  We need to get back to being focused on what is important, finding your captain.  Have you had any luck in getting into the captain's messages?"     Trevan frowned deeply, "No sir. Whomever sent the message knew what they were doing all right. There isn't even a small trace of it. The computer never even logged in the subspace message. It's like it was never sent, however I will keep on it sir." "Perhaps your CSO can help.  Anyway I'll get my CSO looking at the nebulae. Let me know when yours is ready to meet and we'll host her over here.  Sash out."       Trevan closed the channel, "West to Munroe, see what you can do about getting something out of the computer that could help us. I understand there isn't a trace of the Captain's message in the computer, but I have faith in you. I'll be down later to see what's up. West out."   (Reply Sash, Munroe) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca- Bridge-CEO/2O –Lt. Fredericks – 05:06) John sat in the Captains chair looking at the object on the screen. “Dr. Munro, can you give me a read out of the probe? Also if you would check with the Nimitz and see what they can make of it. Since their ship is more suited to exploration than combat their sensors might be able to pick up some details that ours might miss.” (Reply Madison) “Mr. Skylynx, ready a few torpedoes for our uninvited guest if you would, just in case.” And let me know if it changes direction or speed” (Reply Skylynx) Almost before the tacticle chief could finish his reply he was calling out that the probe had increased speed and was heading for the Boudicca. “Red alert” John call out Raise shields and lock torpedoes on that probe. He turned towards Ryko as he called out the last and saw that he was already in the process and had only waited for the order. ~Good man, John thought to himself~ “Ryko, fire when the target is at optimum range John was saying when Madison called out from the science station that there had been signs of transporter activity from the Nimitz to the probe. “Belay firing, Helm take evasive but stay away from the nebulas.” Just as the Boudicca started to turn there was a bright flash of light filling the bridge from the view screen and the Boudicca was rocked, hard. John was thrown from the chair, not having fastened the combat features of the command seat and wound up on the floor. There was a sharp pain in his right wrist. ~Great~ he thought, ~That’s all I need right now, A broken wrist~ He regained his feet and turned to the OPS officer.” Mr. Schafio. I want damage reports from all decks. As the rest of the bridge crew pulled themselves off the floor and regained their seats John asked about the transporter effect. “Dr. Monroe, Did someone or something beam over there or did the Nimitz beam something out?” (Reply Monroe, any on the bridge) (Posted By Kirk)   Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca- Bridge-CEO/2O –Lt. Fredericks – 05:06) John sat in the Captains chair looking at the object on the screen. “Dr. Munro, can you give me a read out of the probe? Also if you would check with the Nimitz and see what they can make of it. Since their ship is more suited to exploration than combat their sensors might be able to pick up some details that ours might miss.” (Reply Madison) “Mr. Skylynx, ready a few torpedoes for our uninvited guest if you would, just in case.” And let me know if it changes direction or speed” (Reply Skylynx) Almost before the tacticle chief could finish his reply he was calling out that the probe had increased speed and was heading for the Boudicca. “Red alert” John call out Raise shields and lock torpedoes on that probe. He turned towards Ryko as he called out the last and saw that he was already in the process and had only waited for the order. ~Good man, John thought to himself~ “Ryko, fire when the target is at optimum range John was saying when Madison called out from the science station that there had been signs of transporter activity from the Nimitz to the probe. “Belay firing, Helm take evasive but stay away from the nebulas.” Just as the Boudicca started to turn there was a bright flash of light filling the bridge from the view screen and the Boudicca was rocked, hard. John was thrown from the chair, not having fastened the combat features of the command seat and wound up on the floor. There was a sharp pain in his right wrist. ~Great~ he thought, ~That’s all I need right now, A broken wrist~ He regained his feet and turned to the OPS officer.” Mr. Schafio. I want damage reports from all decks. As the rest of the bridge crew pulled themselves off the floor and regained their seats John asked about the transporter effect. “Dr. Monroe, Did someone or something beam over there or did the Nimitz beam something out?” (Reply Monroe, any on the bridge) (Posted By Kirk)   Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca - Bridge - Ensign Caleb Talda - 05:06) Ensign Talda was squinting at a peculiar reading when the TAC officer's urgement pronouncement brought its significance into clarity. "The probe's changed course, it's coming right for us at full impulse!" Ryko said hurriedly, simultaneously readying the torpedoes for launch. "Red alert! Raise shields and lock torpedoes on that probe!" "Way ahead of you," Ryko said, finger twitching over the fire command.  "Ryko, fire when the target is at optimum range.....Belay firing, Helm take evasive but stay away from the nebulas." came the commands. "ALL HANDS, BRACE FOR IMPACT!" lieutenenat Skylynx yelled. For his part, Caleb hadn't quite processed what it truly meant to "brace for impact".  Like many others on the bridge, he was thrown from his feet and landed with a hard thud on the deck.  Fortunately, he had managed to get his arms out enough to break his fall, so aside from a bruise, the only injury he suffered was his pride. "Dr. Monroe, Did someone or something beam over there or did the Nimitz beam something out?" Skylynx asked. Gathering his wits, Talda replied, "Sir, the doctor is currently working with the runabout analysis team.  One moment, and I'll tell you what I know." Reading the sensor data, Caleb bit his lip.  "Yes, sir.  It appears that the Nimitz beamed something aboard the probe moments before it detonated.  Without physical analysis, I can't give you any more data." (reply Skylynx, any) (posted by Olan Suddeth) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Nimitz - Bridge - Ensign Caleb Talda - 0535) Caleb tried unsuccessfully to stifle a yawn.  This shift refused to end!  He tried to avoid feeling sorry for himself by considering Doctor Munroe's plight; she had been on duty far longer than he, and as of yet, there was no end in sight - though red alert had been cancelled since shortly after the "probe" had spectacularly failed in trying to ram the Boudicca, they remained at yellow.  Still, it was hard to ignore the burning in his eyes every time he blinked. Truth be told, if he couldn't be asleep, Caleb would have vastly preferred a spot in one of the labs right now, examining the wreckage of the runabout, or better yet, the probe.  Unfortunately, with Munroe still similarly occupied, the sensor station fell to him. Suddenly, his commbadge chirped, and a feminie voice broke through Caleb's reverie.  =/\=Doctor Yaasmin to Ensign Talda, can I bend your ear for a moment, Sir?=/\= Despite his fatigue, Caleb couldn't help but grin at being referred to as 'sir'.  Surely he would grow accustomed to it, but for now, it was still fresh and new.  "Absolutely, doctor Yaasmin," he replied.  "What can I do for you?" (reply Yaasmin) Upon hearing the news, Caleb has the crewman forward the data to his station.  After examining it for himself, the ensign grinned broadly.  "Excellent work, doctor!  Let me know if you find anything else of use.  Talda out." Caleb knew without a doubt that doctor Munroe would want to be informed immediately, and he certainly would do so, but there was no time to lose.  "Commander West," he spoke, "I have some information that may be of interest to you, sir." Once he had the acting CO's attention, the ensign continued.  "Analysis from astrophysics indicate that we can pinpoint the origins of the probe - or at the very least, it's recent flight path - with a high degree of certainty, phase cloak or no."  He grinned as he spoke.  "Give us enough time to dig, and we can tell you what the lunch menu for the launching ship was, too." Quickly, Caleb explained the evidence that strongly suggested that the probe had been exposed to the nearby nebula.  "Even if the ship that fired it is no longer there, we can certainly find her scent, sir." (reply West) Once his report to commander West was complete, the ACSO hailed doctor Munroe.  "Talda to Munroe.  Doctor, I have some good news." (reply Munroe) The fatigue was evident in Munroe's voice, and Caleb again felt sorry for her.  His own exhaustion had been temporarily staved off fromt he adrenaline resultant in this latest discovery, though the exhiliration would certainly be short-lived.  "Yes doctor.  If we learn anything else, I'll inform you immeditately."   (posted by Olan Suddeth)   Doctor Yaasmin looked at the small piece of the Probe's external shell, the biggest piece she was allowed to get her hands on. She was treating it like the holy grail, she had treated it with more care then her own wedding ring when she had placed it inside the mass spectrometer. It was being scanned now, and had for the last ten minutes. She already knew what the shell was made of, she was hoping other things.... The computer beeped and data started scrolling on the screen. Cassidy slapped her hands once and immediately began reading. "Computer, scan these results and look for any magnetic anomalies, subspace footprints, spectral anomalies... for any clue that would tell us this probe flew by an anomaly, pulsar, wormhole... or any other celestial event." She continued reading the general outline for a few seconds until the computer beeped again, [Magnetic Variances and a Class 2 Subspace Variance found, possible evidence that the probe flew within one million kilometers of a Class 7 Nebula." "Ahhhh," she said. "Bring that information up on my monitor." Her smile only broadened as she looked at it. Indeed, the metal was showing every sign of having passed close to a high-energy event. She tapped a couple more commands and brought up a known map of the general area. Her smile got even bigger when she saw that there was a large Class 7 Nebula within fifteen light years. "Bring up lateral sensor logs, and extrapolate the course taken by the probe using stock star charts and previous scan logs of the Boudicca. Use all known information about the probe, including this new data." She tapped her badge, "Doctor Yaasmin to Ensign Talda, can I bend your ear for a moment, Sir?" (reply: Talda, any) (posted by Trout) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Nimitz - Bridge - Ensign Caleb Talda - 0535) Caleb tried unsuccessfully to stifle a yawn.  This shift refused to end!  He tried to avoid feeling sorry for himself by considering Doctor Munroe's plight; she had been on duty far longer than he, and as of yet, there was no end in sight - though red alert had been cancelled since shortly after the "probe" had spectacularly failed in trying to ram the Boudicca, they remained at yellow.  Still, it was hard to ignore the burning in his eyes every time he blinked. Truth be told, if he couldn't be asleep, Caleb would have vastly preferred a spot in one of the labs right now, examining the wreckage of the runabout, or better yet, the probe.  Unfortunately, with Munroe still similarly occupied, the sensor station fell to him. Suddenly, his commbadge chirped, and a feminie voice broke through Caleb's reverie.  =/\=Doctor Yaasmin to Ensign Talda, can I bend your ear for a moment, Sir?=/\= Despite his fatigue, Caleb couldn't help but grin at being referred to as 'sir'.  Surely he would grow accustomed to it, but for now, it was still fresh and new.  "Absolutely, doctor Yaasmin," he replied.  "What can I do for you?" (reply Yaasmin) Upon hearing the news, Caleb has the crewman forward the data to his station.  After examining it for himself, the ensign grinned broadly.  "Excellent work, doctor!  Let me know if you find anything else of use.  Talda out." Caleb knew without a doubt that doctor Munroe would want to be informed immediately, and he certainly would do so, but there was no time to lose.  "Commander West," he spoke, "I have some information that may be of interest to you, sir." Once he had the acting CO's attention, the ensign continued.  "Analysis from astrophysics indicate that we can pinpoint the origins of the probe - or at the very least, it's recent flight path - with a high degree of certainty, phase cloak or no."  He grinned as he spoke.  "Give us enough time to dig, and we can tell you what the lunch menu for the launching ship was, too." Quickly, Caleb explained the evidence that strongly suggested that the probe had been exposed to the nearby nebula.  "Even if the ship that fired it is no longer there, we can certainly find her scent, sir." (reply West) Once his report to commander West was complete, the ACSO hailed doctor Munroe.  "Talda to Munroe.  Doctor, I have some good news." (reply Munroe) The fatigue was evident in Munroe's voice, and Caleb again felt sorry for her.  His own exhaustion had been temporarily staved off fromt he adrenaline resultant in this latest discovery, though the exhiliration would certainly be short-lived.  "Yes doctor.  If we learn anything else, I'll inform you immeditately."   (posted by Olan Suddeth)   Doctor Yaasmin looked at the small piece of the Probe's external shell, the biggest piece she was allowed to get her hands on. She was treating it like the holy grail, she had treated it with more care then her own wedding ring when she had placed it inside the mass spectrometer. It was being scanned now, and had for the last ten minutes. She already knew what the shell was made of, she was hoping other things.... The computer beeped and data started scrolling on the screen. Cassidy slapped her hands once and immediately began reading. "Computer, scan these results and look for any magnetic anomalies, subspace footprints, spectral anomalies... for any clue that would tell us this probe flew by an anomaly, pulsar, wormhole... or any other celestial event." She continued reading the general outline for a few seconds until the computer beeped again, [Magnetic Variances and a Class 2 Subspace Variance found, possible evidence that the probe flew within one million kilometers of a Class 7 Nebula." "Ahhhh," she said. "Bring that information up on my monitor." Her smile only broadened as she looked at it. Indeed, the metal was showing every sign of having passed close to a high-energy event. She tapped a couple more commands and brought up a known map of the general area. Her smile got even bigger when she saw that there was a large Class 7 Nebula within fifteen light years. "Bring up lateral sensor logs, and extrapolate the course taken by the probe using stock star charts and previous scan logs of the Boudicca. Use all known information about the probe, including this new data." She tapped her badge, "Doctor Yaasmin to Ensign Talda, can I bend your ear for a moment, Sir?" (reply: Talda, any) (posted by Trout) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Nimitz - Astrophysics - Crewman Dr. Cassidy Yaasmin - 0535) Doctor Yaasmin looked at the small piece of the Probe's external shell, the biggest piece she was allowed to get her hands on. She was treating it like the holy grail, she had treated it with more care then her own wedding ring when she had placed it inside the mass spectrometer. It was being scanned now, and had for the last ten minutes. She already knew what the shell was made of, she was hoping other things.... The computer beeped and data started scrolling on the screen. Cassidy slapped her hands once and immediately began reading. "Computer, scan these results and look for any magnetic anomalies, subspace footprints, spectral anomalies... for any clue that would tell us this probe flew by an anomaly, pulsar, wormhole... or any other celestial event." She continued reading the general outline for a few seconds until the computer beeped again, [Magnetic Variances and a Class 2 Subspace Variance found, possible evidence that the probe flew within one million kilometers of a Class 7 Nebula." "Ahhhh," she said. "Bring that information up on my monitor." Her smile only broadened as she looked at it. Indeed, the metal was showing every sign of having passed close to a high-energy event. She tapped a couple more commands and brought up a known map of the general area. Her smile got even bigger when she saw that there was a large Class 7 Nebula within fifteen light years. "Bring up lateral sensor logs, and extrapolate the course taken by the probe using stock star charts and previous scan logs of the Boudicca. Use all known information about the probe, including this new data." She tapped her badge, "Doctor Yaasmin to Ensign Talda, can I bend your ear for a moment, Sir?" (reply: Talda, any) (posted by Trout) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - Lt Cmdr Trevan West - 0536)    "Commander West," he spoke, "I have some information that may be of interest to you, sir." Trevan replied, "Go ahead Mr Talda." "Analysis from astrophysics indicate that we can pinpoint the origins of the probe - or at the very least, it's recent flight path - with a high degree of certainty, phase cloak or no."  He grinned as he spoke.  "Give us enough time to dig, and we can tell you what the lunch menu for the launching ship was, too." Trevan laughed at the little joke, "Ok Ensign, thanks for the report, I'll see how much time we can give you guys. Quickly, Caleb explained the evidence that strongly suggested that the probe had been exposed to the nearby nebula.  "Even if the ship that fired it is no longer there, we can certainly find her scent, sir." "Good job, Ensign. If you haven't already please inform Dr. Munroe of your findings. West out."   (Reply Any) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca; Bridge; CONN Ens David Lynch; 05:40) David was sat at his post, he hadn’t really moved much since his shift began. He had kept the course steady and had kept his emergency route planned in. He had noticed that the Bridge crew were commenting on the turn of events. When the probe had appeared he had brought the Boudicca into a defensive position, noting the movements of the probe. He kept his eye on the offending spatial object, as were others on the Bridge. He wasn’t really paying much attention to the conversations behind him as they were not directed at him, though he did listen in so he would be better informed should something useful be mentioned. As the Bridge was getting psyched up about the new turn of events, the probe made a sudden dash towards the ship. Its speed had greatly increased, beyond its normal capacity, and David barely managed to move the ship before the probe struck. He was thrown clear of his seat, smacking his head on the floor and twisting his right arm. It hurt and he barely managed to suppress a scream, as he pushed himself to his knees. He clambered back into his seat and awaited the rest of the reports to be given to the Bridge Officer. “Sir, helm’s steady. No damage to the nacelles, port thrusters off-line, but we can move. Awaiting your orders, sir.” Was his report, given strenuously as he was in agony from his injury. (Reply any on Bridge) He suppressed his pain and manoeuvred the ship to a safe distance beside the Nimitz, for protection. He breathed a sigh of relief as he heard the medical team arrive, he could hold on a few minutes while the fatalities and serious injuries were dealt with. (Reply any medical) (Reply any on Bridge; Medical) (PB John Gibson) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca, Ready Room, Lt Cmdr Trevan West, 0540)   Trevan was in his ready room, no... the ready room. This wasn't his, but it started to feel like it and he didn't like that feeling at all. He looked at the time and the mounding opposition that lay ahead of him. Trevan tapped the panel on the desk, "Acting Captain to all department heads, please contact me with status updates via comm system. Thank you, West out."     There, he thought, that will keep the reports off my desk at least. Trevan decided to send a message to the Nimitz, after what had just transpired on the probe. "Captain Sash, on behalf of the USS Boudicca and her crew, I extend our condolences to the loss of your crewman. It is never easy to lose someone. Boudicca standing by for any assistance you may need. Boudicca out."     There, that should do it for now, he thought and went back to reading the preliminary science reports that were now hours old.   (reply Sash, All Dept Heads) (Posted By Kerry Fletcher) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca, SickBay, Dr Farley, 0540)   Trevan was in his ready room, no... the ready room. This wasn't his, but it started to feel like it and he didn't like that feeling at all. He looked at the time and the mounding opposition that lay ahead of him. Trevan tapped the panel on the desk, "Acting Captain to all department heads, please contact me with status updates via comm system. Thank you, West out."     There, he thought, that will keep the reports off my desk at least. Trevan decided to send a message to the Nimitz, after what had just transpired on the probe. "Captain Sash, on behalf of the USS Boudicca and her crew, I extend our condolences to the loss of your crewman. It is never easy to lose someone. Boudicca standing by for any assistance you may need. Boudicca out."     There, that should do it for now, he thought and went back to reading the preliminary science reports that were now hours old.   Ellen listend to the order given by the FO and tapped her comm badge and said "Farley to West, sickbay is at peak efficancy"   (reply west if you need to) (posted by kurt) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca, Ready Room, Lt Cmdr Trevan West, 0540)   Trevan was in his ready room, no... the ready room. This wasn't his, but it started to feel like it and he didn't like that feeling at all. He looked at the time and the mounding opposition that lay ahead of him. Trevan tapped the panel on the desk, "Acting Captain to all department heads, please contact me with status updates via comm system. Thank you, West out."     There, he thought, that will keep the reports off my desk at least. Trevan decided to send a message to the Nimitz, after what had just transpired on the probe. "Captain Sash, on behalf of the USS Boudicca and her crew, I extend our condolences to the loss of your crewman. It is never easy to lose someone. Boudicca standing by for any assistance you may need. Boudicca out."     There, that should do it for now, he thought and went back to reading the preliminary science reports that were now hours old.   (reply Sash, All Dept Heads) (Posted By Kerry Fletcher) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca - Bridge - Ensign Quigley - 05:43) RPG: Johann put his hand on the floor and pushed, all around him, people were doing the same. ~What the HELL was that?~ He shook his head and looked up, and immediately blinked and started scrambling. His primary department head, Lieutenant Shafio, was on the floor and not moving. He didn't waste time checking her out; his primary duty was to the ship in a combat situation... it was death to get sentimental at this moment. Without a second thought he slipped into her seat and brought up the status of the ship. "Mr. Shafio. I want damage reports from all decks." the 2O said. "Shafio is down Sir, Medical to the bridge!" he said. (reply: Medical) He brought up the ship and breathed a quiet sigh of relief. He waited until the Bridge-Officer was done speaking, and then said. "Sir, all systems are online. Casualties are being reported all over the ship, but nothing appears to be immediately fatal." He risked a glance down at the Lieutenant, who was being tended with an emergency kit by one of the other emergency station-officers. She was still breathing, so that was something. With a small shudder he gave his attention back to the Operations board. (reply: Any) (posted by Trout) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca, Ready Room, Lt Cmdr Trevan West - 0603)     Trevan had been just about to get a cup of coffee when his display beeped of an incoming transmission. ~Again?~ he thought to himself. He walked over and tapped the panel on the viewer and the image of Captain Sash filled the viewer.   "Commander," Sash began, "I'm glad to see that the detonation of the probe hasn't caused you any serious problems.  I was wondering how things were going over there."     Trevan could see the fatigue in the mans' eyes, "Nothing major. Some minor damage to shields and sensors. We were shaken fairly hard but all in all, we are okay. Sorry about your ship, is there anything the Boudicca can do for you? "Well, I was thinking that we should probably have a joint show of cooperation .  I suggest that we have a joint staff meeting."     Trevan thought about that long and hard for a moment and then replied, "I agree, however I will attend the meeting despite regulations. My First Officer will remain behind." "I believe the Nimitz is probably better suited to accommodate everyone.  I'll have my staff set up one of the cargo bays on deck 11.  That should be able to accommodate everyone.  Shall we say 0900 hours.  That should give us time to get ourselves all to ether."     "0900 it is then." West replied. "Excellent,"  Sash  said, trying to stifle a yawn. "I will see you then. If you could bring my Security man back with you, I'd appreciate that." Trevan smiled, "No problem sir."  " Thanks. Nimitz out."   "West to Fredericks, please report to the ready room. West to Stratton and Stolev, meeting in the ready room at 0700 please. West out."   (Reply Fredericks, Stratton, Stolev, Any) (Posted by Kerry Fletcher) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Nimitz - Astrophysics - Crewman Dr. Cassidy Yaasmin - 0630) Doctor Yaasmin looked at the small piece of the Probe's external shell, the biggest piece she was allowed to get her hands on. She was treating it like the holy grail, she had treated it with more care then her own wedding ring when she had placed it inside the mass spectrometer. It was being scanned now, and had for the last ten minutes. She already knew what the shell was made of, she was hoping other things.... The computer beeped and data started scrolling on the screen. Cassidy slapped her hands once and immediately began reading. "Computer, scan these results and look for any magnetic anomalies, subspace footprints, spectral anomalies... for any clue that would tell us this probe flew by an anomaly, pulsar, wormhole... or any other celestial event." She continued reading the general outline for a few seconds until the computer beeped again, [Magnetic Variances and a Class 2 Subspace Variance found, possible evidence that the probe flew within one million kilometers of a Class 7 Nebula." "Ahhhh," she said. "Bring that information up on my monitor." Her smile only broadened as she looked at it. Indeed, the metal was showing every sign of having passed close to a high-energy event. She tapped a couple more commands and brought up a known map of the general area. Her smile got even bigger when she saw that there was a large Class 7 Nebula within fifteen light years. "Bring up lateral sensor logs, and extrapolate the course taken by the probe using stock star charts and previous scan logs of the Boudicca. Use all known information about the probe, including this new data." She tapped her badge, "Doctor Yaasmin to Ensign Talda, can I bend your ear for a moment, Sir?" (reply: Talda, any) (posted by Trout) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca - Astrophysics - Crewman Dr. Cassidy Yaasmin - 0634) "Doctor Yaasmin to Ensign Talda, can I bend your ear for a moment, Sir?" =^=Absolutely, doctor Yaasmin, What can I do for you?=^= "Sir, I think I might have extrapolated the course the probe took, based on magnetic resonances within the shell!" She tapped a few buttons as she was talking. "Where are you, Ill transfer information to you." (reply: as desired) She packaged it up and sent it to the bridge, the full results of the scan and the data and theories used to plot the course. =^=Excellent work, doctor! Let me know if you find anything else of use. Talda out.=^= Cassidy chuckled as the line cut; she had done her little bit for King and Country. She settled back and looked at the rest of the data scrolling in. After several minutes, she frowned and leaned forward. "Computer, explain the metallurgic composition as seen on graph 8c." [The metal appears to have been subjected to high-level EM fields.] She chewed on her lip, "those don't look like classic signatures from any event horizon I've ever seen. Hmmm, perhaps a planet. Assuming it's natural at all." She paused, thinking of reasons to expose a probe to high levels of electromagnetic radiation. "Astrophysics to Talda, I request your presence down here, if you would, I need a bit more grey matter. There might... might... be a way to nail it down just a bit further." (reply: Talda) (posted by Trout) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca - Bridge - Ensign Caleb Talda - 0638) Caleb rubbed his eyes.  West had been positive, and that helped keep the young ACSO motivated.  Even so, he felt a tad bit stir crazy on the bridge; nothing was happening, and at the moment, he would rather be just about anywhere else after having been in the same spot for so long. Almost as an answer to an unspoken prayer, his commbadge chirped, and doctor Yaasmin contacted him again.  =/\=Astrophysics to Talda, I request your presence down here, if you would, I need a bit more grey matter. There might... might... be a way to nail it down just a bit further.=/\= ~Praise whatever gods look over this corner of space!~ Caleb thought to himself.  Astrophysics wasn't his speacialty, but right now, it ran a close second on the "invitingness" scale - second only to his bed. "I'd be happy to, doctor.  I'm on my way," he replied. Caleb turned his gaze to the secondary science station, and addressed the petty officer currently manning it.  "Mister... Givens, isn't it?"  When the man nodded, the ensign smiled.  "Mister Givens, my presence is requested in Astrophysics.  The science post is yours.  If you need me, don't hesitate to call." "Aye, sir," the man replied as he moved to the primary science station.  Caleb chuckled as he boarded the turbolift.  Briefly, he considered advising doctor Munroe as to his destination, but decided that the CSO had enough to worry about without keeping track of his every move.  If she needed him, his commbadge would work just as well in the labs as it did on the bridge.  It did occur to him that it would be a good idea to summon someone to fill the now-vacant secondary science station, as the ship was still at yellow alert. The ACSO tapped his commbadge.  "Talda to Lyziar.  Please report to the bridge and man the secondary science station." After a moment's pause the reply came.  =/\=Lyziar here.  Affirmative, ensign.=/\= (USS Boudicca - Astrophysics - Ensign Caleb Talda - 0644) Caleb entered the lab holding a cup of what could only loosely be referred to as coffee.  The color of the liquid was lighter than any decent suntan, due to all of the sugar and creamer he had instructed the replicator to add to the beverage.  The ensign remembered how his father would derisively refer to Caleb's coffee as a "liquid candy bar," but this was the only way he could stand the stuff; even then, coffee was reserved for really bad mornings only.  Or for shifts that never seemed to end. Burning his tongue on a sip of the near-molten liquid, Caleb cursed under his breath, only to make eye contact with a grinning Cassidy Yaasmin. ~So much for being suave~ he thought ruefully. "So doctor," he began, "what can I do for you?  This isn't exactly my area of expertise, but I'm happy to help out." (reply Yaasmin) Caleb frowned as he examined the data in question.  "Interesting.  It's defintiely been exposed to a nebula, and recently, but what do these other readings indicate?  A planet, perhaps?  Or a space station?  The former could very well be, although something about this data seems a bit off to me.  As for a station... that would mean that there's some sort of base relatively nearby that we're unaware of, wouldn't it?" The ACSO scratched his chin and took another sweet sip of his slightly cooler coffee.  "Unless I'm missing something altogether," he mused.  "I wonder... just for grins, doctor, is there any way you can cross-reference this EM signature against those we might expect to see from a starbase?" He grinned.  "Unless, of course, you have a better theory.  Again, this isn't my strongest suite.  If I need to be asking a different set of questions, tell me so." (reply Yaasmin) (posted by Olan Suddeth) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Nimitz - Sickbay - COUNS - Ensign John Harrison - 0701) Harrison saw Dr Kirien motioning for him to join her in her office and went to see what she wanted. "Mr. Harrison, I'd like you to have a talk with Ms. Dumas when she wakes up. She still is carrying a lot of pain and guilt over her defection, and should have been in counselling the entire time. Please see to it." "Certainly, Doctor," he said. ~Damn~ he thought, ~Yet another lack of usefulness from Counsellor Harrison. I better try harder or i'll be on a vessel back to Earth before you can say 'shockwave'.~ He didn't let his guilt show outwardly and walked over to the biobed where Dumas lay and waited for her to wake up. He saw her wake up a while later and look at him, confusion in her eyes. "How are you feeling, Lieutenant?" he asked calmly, softly. (reply Dumas) (posted by James Batchelor) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Nimitz - Guest Quarters - CMO Boudicca - Ensign {SG} Mor'rel - 0746) Within the spartan guest quarters Mor'rel sat cross legged on the floor deep in meditation. He had felt a slight tremour but had basically ignored it. His centering was nearly complete. Soon he would rise to take his new post aboard the USS Boudicca. Slowly Mor'rel rose, straightened his uniform, and began to pack his meager belongings. He had been aboard the USS Nimitz since it left the space station, knowing that it would take him to his new assignment. During that time he had read his medical texts, meditated and studied the specs and crew of the USS Boudicca. He believed he had a decent idea of what he was in for at this point. Finally, sure he had all of his belongings together, Mor'rel started for the transporter room.   (USS Nimitz - Transporter Room 1- CMO Boudicca - Ensign {SG} Mor'rel - 0802)   Mor'rel entered the transporter room and looked at the man on the controls.   "Pardon me Chief, could you please send a message over to the Boudicca that their new Chief Medical Officer wishes to come aboard?" intoned Mor'rel flatly.   Mor'rel heard the transporter chief do as he asked and the affirmative come from the Boudicca. He climbed on to the transporter pad and felt the strange effect of the transporter. (USS Boudicca – Transporter Room 2 - CMO – Doctor Mor’rel  - 0807) The steady hum of the transporter ended and a young Vulcan officer solidified on the transporter pad. He was carrying a small bag slung over a shoulder and wore the blue uniform of medical/sciences. He looked steadily at the transporter chief. “Doctor Mor’rel, tasked as USS Boudicca’s Chief Medical Officer requesting permission to come aboard,” stated the Vulcan flatly at the chief. “Your information is in order Doctor Mor’rel. Welcome aboard, Sir,” responded the chief. Mor’rel raised an eyebrow. “Thank you Chief. I will now proceed to Captain Sash’s office.” “Yes Sir but you'll be dealing with Lieutenant Commander West, the captain is missing,” responded the chief, “I can show you the way if you’d like.” Mor'rel raised an eyebrow at that piece of information. “That is quite alright Chief. I have familiarized myself with the deck plans of the USS Boudicca during my journey here. I prefer to fully understand what I’m getting myself into ahead of arrival,” stated Mor’rel with no trace of warmth or emotion in his voice. With that Mor’rel walked through the doors towards the turbolift. (USS Boudicca – Captain’s Ready Room - CMO – Doctor Mor’rel  - 0810) Mor’rel calmly and steadily exited the turbolift and headed towards the Captain’s door. He had been counting on meeting Sevant and had been reading up on Captain Sevant. Half Vulcan… logically that would make some things easier. He did not, however, understand Sevant’s belief in Sybok’s teachings. Sybok was a menace. Must be the dilution of Sevant’s Vulcan half by his human half. Still, the Captain had an excellent service record and it was illogical to base bias on race or personal beliefs. As long as the job was done, it didn’t matter. This change in plans would alter some things somewhat. He knew a few things about Lieutenant Commander West. He knew of his past problems, all in all he was a tragic figure and Mor'rel hoped that his experiences hadn't affected his judgement. Mor’rel walked up to the door and pressed the door chime and waited. Eventually, the door slid open, an invitation for Mor’rel to enter. The Doctor faced the Lieutenant Commander, sitting behind his desk. “Doctor Mor’rel reporting for duty, Sir. I am here to fulfill your need for a Chief Medical Officer,” said Mor’rel evenly and dispassionately. (Reply West) “If I might ask Sir, who can I expect to work with in my support staff?” queried the young Vulcan. Mor’rel had already studied the service records of both the doctors on staff and had his own opinions, but the information the Lieutenant Commander told him would colour the way he decided to run his department on this vessel. If there were obvious problems, it would be necessary to attempt to try and strengthen his department. If the Lieutenant Commander was satisfied with the performance of his medical staff and sickbay on the whole a more integrated approach would be taken. (Reply West) “I see Sir. I would like to reconfigure a few things in the sickbay and medlabs. I find that I work better when equipment and settings that are harmonious and logically placed with my working style. I hope this will not be a difficulty,” stated Mor’rel. While the doctor had never been a strict adherent to logic, often inserting esoteric ideas like being harmonious, he still did rely on Vulcan logic to dictate his actions. (Reply West) “Yes Sir, of course Sir. If I may, I believe I should begin immediately in Sickbay,” stated Mor’rel evenly. (Reply West) “Yes Captain, thank you. I shall be in sickbay if you have further need of me,” said Mor’rel, who then calmly and evenly walked out of the Ready Room and onto the turbolift. (USS Boudicca – Sickbay - CMO – Doctor Mor’rel  - 0820) Mor’rel walked into sickbay and surveyed the room. ~No, this will not do at all.~ He immediately began entering instructions and changes into his PADD. Then he spied the two doctors named Farley… this would be confusing. The ACMO had the Borg implants however. Mor’rel walked over to her. “Doctor Ellen Farley, you are my assistant ACMO. I am Doctor Mor’rel, the new Chief Medical Officer for the USS Boudicca. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” stated Mor’rel coldly and flatly. In truth, he felt nothing about meeting another being but knew it was the proper platitude in human parlance. (Reply Ellen Farley) “And you would be Doctor Natalie Farley. I may have to call you each by your first names to be sure I address the proper one of you. I hope this is acceptable,” stated Mor’rel. (Reply Natalie Farley) “Good. I have been reviewing the performance of the Sickbay and Medlab, quite frankly we must increase our effectiveness. I want one of us to be available for, or on, the bridge at all times in the future. A biological analysis can make meeting new species, or attempting to save our own people much more affective. I do not want medical staff to be hiding in sickbay and medlab from now on. We must be visible and available. I hope this is understood,” stated Mor’rel evenly and dispassionately. (Reply Ellen or Natalie, if as you wish) “At this point, right after you brief me on our current situation, I will also request that we begin rearranging Sickbay and the Medlab in a more logical manner. I have inputted my desires into the PADD, and it will be downloaded to your own. I have also arranged for digitized versions of the latest medical journals to be available to both of you. Do we have a nurse?” asked Mor’rel. (Reply Ellen or Natalie) “One must be found. I will discuss this with Lieutenant Commander West. Over the next while, we will discuss operating procedures and other improvements. I do not want you to take offense to this, I just believe it is in our crew’s best interest to streamline a few things. If you wish to discuss any of the changes, or any ideas you have for aiding in our greater success in serving the Boudicca crew, I encourage you to discuss them with me. I have no ego to bruise, and as long as your behaviour falls within Starfleet regulation guidelines I am happy  to entertain other ideas,” said Mor’rel with an attempt to smile that seemed more like a grimace. (Reply Ellen or Natalie) “Excellent. I must check the biological sciences/medical remote station on the bridge. I encourage you to set your own control configurations as I am more than aware that every person has different settings that they are comfortable with,” said Mor’rel as he exited the sickbay, leaving the two doctors with a great deal of work to complete. (Reply none) (Posted by Jeff) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca – Captain’s Ready Room -Lt Cmdr Trevan West- 0810)     Trevan had finished his cup of coffee and was about to proceed to the Bridge when the door chime rang.   The Doctor faced the Lieutenant Commander, sitting behind his desk. “Doctor Mor’rel reporting for duty, Sir. I am here to fulfill your need for a Chief Medical Officer,” said Mor’rel evenly and dispassionately.       Trevan raised his eyebrows, "Welcome aboard the Boudicca, please have a seat." he said caught off guard. He forgot, how could he have forgotten they had a new transfer, he thought to himself for a moment when the Vulcan spoke up.   “If I might ask Sir, who can I expect to work with in my support staff?”         "We have a top notch medical staff, they have been busy and a little over worked in the past however I think you will find them a competent bunch of Doctors and Nurses. However, I wouldn't use the EMH. It's offline and I think it will stay that way. But if you have any staffing needs, I am sure we can make arrangements for your needs."   “I see Sir. I would like to reconfigure a few things in the sickbay and medlabs. I find that I work better when equipment and settings that are harmonious and logically placed with my working style. I hope this will not be a difficulty,” stated Mor’rel.      "As they say, your the Doc, Doc. Whatever your needs are, please feel free to do what is needed. I would want your sickbay to be as efficient as yourself. Personally speaking however, the place could use a re-do." he smiled even though the Vulcan probably would not return it. "However, if you have any Engineering needs, Ensign Siam is the ACEO as our CEO is now the First Officer until Captain Sevant returns."   “Yes Sir, of course Sir. If I may, I believe I should begin immediately in Sickbay,” stated Mor’rel evenly.       "Of course, Dismissed."   “Yes Captain, thank you. I shall be in sickbay if you have further need of me,” said Mor’rel, who then calmly and evenly walked out of the Ready Room and onto the turbolift.     (Reply Mor'rel) (Posed by Kerry Fletcher)   Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca - Captain's Ready Room - Security Senior Chief Melody Haverstaad - 0810) Melody, standing by the door with her back to the bulkhead and her arms crossed behind her, quirked her head slightly at the sound of the chime. A small tapping sound issued from the ear-piece in her ear, her link to the guard standing outside the door. Meaning, there was nothing obviously suspicious about whoever the visitor was. The Senior Chief didn't stir beyond that. She had already let Commander West know that she wouldn't be saying much of anything unless there were a problem, to carry on normally. Since she hadn't said 'don't answer that and duck!', she hoped he would take it that there were no problems. They hadn't exactly had a lot of chances to perfect this yet, after all. (reply: West) The door opened and a Vulcan stepped in. Melody crossed her hands before her, taking no move other then that. She could have her hands on the phaser slung under her arm within half a second if something was wrong. She still didn't know why the Commander wanted a guard; beyond the obvious that Sevant was taken, but while she was here she was going to take her business seriously. She was already planning for multiple shifts, she couldn't stay awake and alert for much longer without stimulants... something she was loathe to do until there was a pressing need. The Chief did her best to fade into the background, making herself unobtrusive and invisible, as the Commander and Ensign began talking... just as a good bodyguard should. (reply: West, any) (posted by Trout) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca, Bridge, Lt Cmdr Trevan West 0845)     Trevan tapped the panel on his chair and opened the ships communication systems, "All hands, this is Acting Captain Trevan West; Stolev, Ryko, Stratton and her party, CSO and ACEO please report to the Transporter Room for conference on the Nimitz on the double. West out."     Trevan turned around to Fredericks, "Lt, I will be going as well, I know it's not standard procedure but we need to show some faith in our friends over there. However, I don't think anything will happen to me. You have the Bridge Lt." Trevan leaned in closer so only John could hear him, "Remember, your first duty is to the ship. We are expendable." he added and the made his way up to the turbolift and signaled Chief Haverstaad to remain behind. "You won't be needed Chief." then the doors closed.   (Reply Any, All) (Posed by Kerry Fletcher) Stardate:2406.11.25 (USS Boudicca - Bridge - CMO - Ensign {SG} Mor'rel - 0846) Mor'rel stepped onto the bridge from the turbolift and looked around. It was as busy as he expected it would be given the current set of situations.  Mor'rel looked around and saw various people, none of whom he particularly recognized.   (Reply any on bridge)   "I am Doctor Mor'rel. I am your new Chief Medical Officer. Could you please direct me to the bridge medical/biological  station?" said Mor'rel evenly.   (Reply any on bridge)   "Thank you," stated Mor'rel as he walked towards the station and proceeded to unlock the controls and set them to his personal preferences.   "It would seem that this station hasn't been used for awhile. Did no medical staff ever frequent the bridge?" quiried Mor'rel.   (Reply any on bridge)   "That is to change then. Someone on medical staff will be placed on rotation on this station on an ongoing basis, barring their need in sickbay or medlab," stated Mor'rel flatly, "We must ensure that the needs of the ship are taken care of at all times."  With that, Mor'rel set back to work on his station.   (Reply any on bridge) (Posted by Jeff Bergeron)